Monday, December 14, 2009


Can I just say I can't *WAIT* to get paid. This will be the first check from my new full time job so yay for real money. I've been eating crap pretty much this whole month, because I've been poor AND stressed as shit. I've even been eating some things with dairy in them because I'm absolutely broke and that's what's around. I've felt shit-tastic all week because of it. Headachey, tired, stomach feels BLEH. This shit is poison!

*ahem* But I'm thankful that I'm not starving so, yeah.

But as soon as I get paid, I'm wanting to go on an all-raw detox for a week. Eventually, when I have the money to buy a dehydrator and decent blender, I want to go raw for a couple of months during the Summer. I think it would be super good for me, because even though I've been eating vegan for a year now - that doesn't mean it's all healthy stuff. I need to lose some serious weight, too. Yeah, I'm not as big as I used to be, but...I'm still fat. And if you think I'm cute now, just think what I would look like 30 to 40lbs lighter. Jesus, I could take over the world!

Haha. I'm just kidding. I'm not that conceited, I promise. I just want to be healthy, bitches. For real.

Peace in the middle east ya'll. Love ya :)

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